Acts of Management Going Beyond the Corporate Purpose and Legal Representation - SLP X - #330-319*
As we have already pointed out in the case of common limited partnerships (société en commandite simple), these are classic company law provisions. The special limited partnership (SLP, société en commandite spéciale in French) will be bound by the acts of its managers even if these acts exceed the corporate object.
However, the SLP shall not be bound if it proves that the third party:
(i) knew that such act exceeded the objects of the company; or
(ii) could not have been unaware of it under the circumstances.
Moreover, the managers represent the company in relation to third parties and in court, either as plaintiff or defendant.
To go further: article 320-3, paragraphs 5 and 6 of the law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies as amended; #209-198* Des actes de gestion dépassant l’objet social et la représentation en justice (SCSp); #329-318* Powers of the Managers & Delegation - SLP-IX, Bertrand Mariaux; with regard to the société en commandite simple; article in French #188-177* Actes dépassant l’objet social de la SCS et représentation judiciaire - Gérance, Bertrand Mariaux.
*Podcast #330
*YouTube Video 319*
Bertrand Mariaux, Avocat à la Cour, LL.M. (hons.)
Prestation de serment (Swearing-in oath): Luxembourg (2011), Certificat d’Aptitude à la Profession d’Avocat, École de Formation professionnelle des Barreaux de la Cour d’appel de Paris (2009), Bond University (LL.M. (distinct.), International Legal Practice, 2010), Université Sorbonne Paris Nord & University of Limerick (Master in European & International Law - major in economics, 2008), certified Expert in Microfinance (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, 2015), social entrepreneurship (University of Oxford, 2015 & The Wharton School of Social Policy & Practice, 2014) and social & solidarity economy (International Labour Organization Academy - Social & Solidarity Economy, Organisation Internationale du Travail - Économie Sociale et Solidaire, 2017)
Contributor: Cédric Buisine, Avocat
Editors: Hannah Seulgee Jung & Nikolai Shillinglaw